lundi 8 septembre 2014




The trigger for the first PBL session was about a report of a Integrated Marketing Communication (ICM) campaign of Dawn Dishes.

The problem found with the team is : How to use IMC to change the perception of the values of the company ?

Next, we have formulated 3 learning objectives : 

1. How IMC can be defined ? 

    How  do companies used IMC to create new values ?

2. What are the main roles of the agencies ?

3. How do customers perceive the brand / the company image ?

1. How IMC can be defined ?

Integrated Marketing Communications is a simple concept. It ensures that all forms of communications and messages are carefully linked together.  
This strategy aims to "integrate" consistently and effectively across all channels of communication of a brand.

At its most basic level, Integrated Marketing Communications, or IMC, as we'll call it, means integrating all the promotional tools, so that they work together in harmony.
It's necessary to use Different tools for having the best mutual support as you can. Such as: Public Relations, Media advertising and merchandising at point of sale. 

IMC place at the center of its approach the study of the target through conventional criteria and transverse segmentation study of perceptions, habits, behaviors and encrypted data.

Don Edward Schultz, a marketing theorist, defines BMI as "a strategic business process map to Farming, Develop, execute, and evaluate-Coordinated, Measurable, persuasive brand communication programs over time with consumers, customers, prospects, and --other Targeted falling external and internal audiences. "

IMC, the next generation : Five steps for delivering value and measuring returns using marketing communicaton by Don Edward Schultz

How  do companies used IMC to create new values ?

 We must develop more profitable campaigns that still offer value consumer.
Typically, communication tools for BMI include both traditional and digital media, such as blogs, webinars, optimizing search engines, radio, television, billboards and magazines.
The IMC process usually starts with a plan of integrated marketing communications which describes the different types of marketing tools, advertising and sales that will be used during campaigns.
As consumers spend more time on computers and mobile devices, marketers are looking to build their brands to multiple exposures with different contact points: as in public transport for example. The inside walls of many subways provide an opportunity for advertisers to reach commuters with their messages.
You have to mark the Customer Review wherever he goes.


2. What are the main roles of the agencies ?

The role of agencies is dual, in fact they are segmented into two main categories: advertising agencies and media agencies.

- An advertising agency advises advertisers and performs on behalf of campaigns. The agency generally provides the creative part of a campaign before delegate, according to the report, more or less of the technical implementation to production companies.

 - A media agency makes sure a marketing message appeals to consumers, appears in the right place, at the right time and that the advertiser pays the best possible price.

3. How do customers perceive the brand / the company image ?

Brand is essentially the sum of all experiences related to the product, service, and companies that make and deliver the product. Brand perceptions are shaped by functional experiences (i.e. speed, quality, reliability, ease of use) as well as emotional experiences (i.e. make me feel better, improve my performance, make my life/job more gratifying or easier) the customer associates with the product and company.

Brand experiences and perceptions are developed over time through a variety of sources, including:

    - Previous experience with the brand
    - Interactions with sales, customer service, and other employees
    - Recommendations from friends and colleagues
    - Reviews by reputable sources
    - Advertising

Brand managers need to understand how customers perceive and select brands in specific product categories and market segments. You also need to know what is important to customers when making a brand decision, where customers get information about products and services, and what customers think about your brand.

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