dimanche 14 septembre 2014

PBL Task 3 : Visual brand identity

The trigger of the third PBL session was about a website, whose link is :

After reading the link given, there was a brief discussion concerning issue-specific obscurities. In general, the team agreed that for a company the visual brand identity is really important but we need to understand the way it work : the process, the components and all the aspects whose affect customers. 

Anne Korkeamäki, our tutor, advised us to emphasize the importance of cultural and emotional visual brand identity.
In conclusion, the main problem is:

        Problem       How to create effective visual identity ?

      Learning objectives
-       What are the process and the components to make a visual brand identity ?
-       What are the aspects of visual brand identity that affect the customer ?
o Emotional staff
o Culture
o Symbols
o Colors

The visual identity is the set of elements of the existence of the brand.
These elements are :  
- a name
- a graphic design
- values ​​and ethics 
- a choice of channels  
- line of communication.
The brand is endowed with an identity that will enable him to become known and then be recognized for that identity.

These elements are more powerful, coherent and complementary to each other, the more the brand is strong.
The visual identity is the set of graphic signs (colors, shapes, words) that symbolize the company. It is distributed through various communication media (eg business cards, newspapers, websites).

As such, it serves to distinguish yourself from your competitors. The best-known form is the logo. The visual identity concerned primarily an advertising function: it conveys the image of your company, its services and its possible values.

The qualities of the dress are:
- Simplicity and clarity: visual identity must be identifiable (and memorable) in one second.
- Representation: it refers explicitly to your industry.
- Consistency: visual identity will be the same on all distribution media used.
- Difference: it is unique and must distinguish your business from other market players.

The elements of the visual identity are:  

- the brand name, slogan 
- logo  
- color 
- font  
- font size.

To create a visual identity must:

1. Select the right people
To this can be called a communication agency. It is important to do a thorough diagnosis (market positioning, target communication, etc.) before creating your visual identity.
2. Develop a communication problem
For this, it is useful to observe the positioning of your company in the market and take into account new trends. In other words, the choice of logo to coincide with your business venture.
3.Choose a target audience
The visual identity is for all those with whom you communicate. Not all will be receptive to the same type of logo, colors, etc.
     4. Choosing the right distribution medium
Your visual identity can be broken down into as many conceivable media: flyers, press releases, business card, website, logo, billboard, packaging (visual audit), commercial vehicles. To select the most appropriate support, you must take into account the above two factors: the target audience and the nature of your communication.

To conclude the keys aspects of visual brand identity are :

- Choose the right brand name
- Create a consistent visual style
- Developp a compelling logo
- Pay attention to color, symbols
- Select appropriate typography


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