jeudi 2 octobre 2014

PBL Task 5 : Creating a brand strategy

PBL Task 5 : Creating a brand strategy


At the beginning there was a discussion about the theme. Some suggestions where thrown in. The Group could not get to a decision that’s why they started with the brainstorming first. After that they could quickly find the Learning Objectives.

Problem : How to create a brand ?

Learning objectives

1. What is the importance of a strong brand strategy ?
- Brand Architecture / Portfolio

2. What is the role of employees in branding ?

1. What is the importance of a strong brand strategy ?
         - Brand Architecture / Portfolio
A brand portfolio is "the total collection of trademarks that a company applies to its products or services. Each make or brand within a business brand portfolio might be registered under applicable trademark laws and can represent a valuable asset to a company that is often actively promoted to potential customers".

Here is a diagram showing the contents of a brand architecture :

In this picture, we can see the brand portfolio of a really famous hotel chain.

And here, it's also an example of brand architecture of famous international brand : P&G, Marriott, Gillette and Virgin.

"A brand is a person’s gut feeling about a product, service, or company". -Marty Newmeier, The Brand Gap
It’s no secret that it’s easier to sell a brand that you believe in yourself but we can organize the answer in 6 main benefits : 

1. Brand identity commands a price-premium

Why is someone willing to pay thousands of dollars more for a Lexus than for a Toyota? The value proposition is wrapped around the brand.

2. A price premium creates the perception of quality

If a Lexus costs more than a comparable product, it must be because the Lexus provides better quality. Right? Not necessarily. There are plenty of lower-cost, high-quality vehicles available, yet people still pay more for what they perceive to be a better or higher-quality brand. 

3. Perceived quality has been shown to positively affect customer usage

Consumers tend to select brands they perceive to be quality brands. This also connects to repeat buying or brand loyalty.

4. A Brand identity perceives quality that contributes to profitability, in part by enhancing prices and market share.

5. Customers relate value with quality

If one brand is perceived to be of higher quality than another brand, customers tend to perceive that the higher-quality brand is a better value.

6. Perceived quality can be a point of differentiation

It's necessary to differentiate their brand's identity from competing offers. Perceived quality can be used to differentiate and charge a price premium for their strong brand.

2. What is the role of employees in branding ?

Your brand provides motivation and direction for your staff.

A clear brand strategy provides the clarity that your staff needs to be successful. It tells them how to act, how to win, and how to meet the organization's goals.
- See more at:

Your brand provides motivation and direction for your staff.
A clear brand strategy provides the clarity that your staff needs to be successful. It tells them how to act, how to win, and how to meet the organization's goals.

We can organize the answer in 2 main points :

1. Image Drivers and Brand Reputation

One of the first and most direct points of contact a company has with its customers is through its employees. At each level of an organization, employees have an opportunity to influence the perception of a company’s brand during these critical points of contact.

A company’s dedicated and able workforce is an important asset in developing customer loyalty. Long-term relationships and customer loyalty are directly related to the level of service and brand image created through daily contact between the company’s customers and its employees.
Whatever their position, employees have two jobs, one is the work they perform, the other is conveying the corporate image. The second job as Ambassadors of the Brand is to communicate the company’s corporate identity to the outside world. For better or for worse, the image of the company employees project to customers is whatever those employees believe that image to be.


2. Developing Committed Brand Ambassadors

Employees, who serve as strong brand ambassadors, must be integrated into a corporate brand management program. The responsibility of an organization is to develop an effective means for communicating the company’s corporate identity to all employees.
Only when employees understand their roles as brand ambassadors, and receive recognition and reward for their roles, can they be integrated successfully into a corporate image program.
Corporate communication programs shape how employees present the company to the world at large, and whether they will be ambassadors of commitment or indifference.

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