mercredi 19 novembre 2014

PBL TASK 9 : The way to formulate a message

Problem :  

How to create an advertising message and how to understand an advertising message ?

Learning objectives :

  1. What is an advertising message and how to formulate it ?
  2. How to create a message that triggers audience are interest ?

 1. What is an advertising message and how to formulate it ?

An advertising message is the general idea that an ad will convey to the target audience. Most advertising campaigns are focused on conveying an advertising message to a target audience in order to convince them to purchase a product or service, investigate the brand further, and make the audience remember the brand name. 
The message can be delivered through various forms of media, including television, radio, print, word of mouth, events, and so on.

Several components make up the advertising message: the hook, the slogan, the appeal, and the value. The hook is a statement, image, video, or other type of media that grabs the audience's attention and compels them to find out more about the particular ad.
This may be one of the most difficult aspects of the advertising message to come up with, as it will need to stand out above all other distractions that can keep the audience from noticing the product or services.

The advertising message should include : 

     - The Appeal : This refers to the underlying idea that captures the attention of a message receiver. Appeals can fall into such categories as emotional, fearful, humorous, and sexual.

    - Value Proposition :The advertising message often contains a reason for customers to be interested in the product which often means the ad will emphasize the benefits obtained from using the product.

   - Slogan : To help position the product in a customer’s mind and distinguish it from competitors’ offerings, advertisements will contain a word or phrase that is repeated across several different messages and different media outlets.

And several factors such as :

    - Characteristics of the Target Audience : The makeup of the target audience (e.g., age, location, attitudes, etc.) impacts what is conveyed in the message.

    - Type of Media Used : The media outlet (e.g., television, print, Internet, etc.) used to deliver the message impacts the way a message will be created.

    - Product Factors : Products that are highly complex require a different message than simpler products. Additionally, the target market’s familiarity with a product affects what is contained in a message. For instance, a new product attempting to gain awareness in the market will have a message that is much different than a product that is well-known.

    - Overall Advertising Objective : As mentioned, the objective of the advertising campaign can affect the type of ad that is designed. For example, an advertisement with the objective of stimulating immediate sales for an existing product will be different than an advertisement that seeks to build initial awareness of a new product. 

Subliminal messages can be also a kind of advertisement message :

Subliminal advertising : placing fleeting or hidden images in commercial content in the hopes that viewers will process them unconsciously -- doesn't work. Recent research suggests that consumers do sometimes respond non-consciously to cues they aren't consciously aware are there.  

2. How to create a message that triggers audience are interest ?

Extensive research has been conducted on how the structure of a persuasive message can influence its effectiveness.


Message structure includes : 

- Order of presentation

- Conclusion of drawing

- Message sidedness

- Refutation

- Verbal versus visual messages

Several common types of message appeals are as follows:

- Comparative advertising :  is the practice of both directly or indirectly naming competitors in an ad and comparing one or more specific attributes.

- Fear appeals :  is an emotional response to a threat that expenses, or at least implies, some sort of danger.

- Humor appeals : are often the best known and best remembered of all advertising messages.

 - Emotional appeals :  relate to the consumers social and psychological needs for purchasing a product or service .many consumers motive for their purchase decisions are emotional, and their feelings about a brand can be more important than knowledge of its features or attributes.



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